Growing info

Hostas are plants easy to keep and yielding quick returns. Their name suggests that they should be planted in shady places. However, it is a faulty idea to believe that they do not need sunlight. They will only suffer on the northern side of buildings free of sunlight. The shadow following the several hours’ sunshine is the most ideal for them, or the lattice shadow under the trees of loose foliage. The yellow-leaf Hostas endure sunshine the best, while the blue-leaf ones tolerate deep shadow the best. The more the white colour is in the leaf, the more sensitive the plant is to burning by the sun. The sun-endurance of the plants can be improved by increasing the intensity of watering. Hostas sprout lately, so they are non-sensitive to frosts in spring. They endure frost to -35oC, -40oC, but they make return for mulching. Hostas are non-sensitive to soils, but love fresh, watery soil rich in humus and enriched with seasoned organic manure. They yield quick returns for regular nutrient supply. They live for a long time and do not need frequent stem-cutting. They develop their genuine beauty by their age of 4-5 years. They are resistant to diseases and do not have any serious pest, except for snails.